working out on the elliptical machine. |
After noticing that I've started enjoying Dad's cooking alittle too much and not having access to my regular gym membership back in LA; I started using my brother's elliptical machine to burn off the extra calories. I think my waistline would appreciate the effort!
meeting with new lessee |
Went out with Dad on Monday to meet with a local person who wanted to rent out some hunting property for the year.
Dad watching for nutrias |
Out on the farm again on Tuesday; went scouting for small game and heard Dad firing shots into the pond. He had spotted a couple pesky nutrias (i.e. giant rodents) and kinda of pissed that he had missed them. We sat out in near darkness for about another hour or so waiting for them to return. All I got was mosquito bitten all around my neck for the efforts. We made home in time to watch the second Presidential debate.
Elliptical Workout |
Since this past Sunday, been trying to make the elliptical a regular part of my day and building up my endurance on the machine. At least my calves aren't burning like they were when I started!
Dad installing cargo box. |
Dad has been slowly moving his stuff over into and on his new (used) truck. Wednesday, he moved over the cargo box from his old truck to the newer one pretty much by himself! My 80 plus year old dad is pretty tough!
300ZX on the levee road |
I went out the farm earlier in my brother's old car to do some hunting and scouting. Didn't see a thing and the mosquitoes were so bad that I couldn't stand being in the woods long.
Lilly pads pond |
I walked back into parts of the farm that I hadn't been in, in years! Last time I was back in this area, I saw an alligator and a bunch of beavers! But the ponds were smaller this time around and probably not able to support the same amount wildlife as they did before. Walked back to the main pond to watch for any beavers or nutria that might show up. Dad drove up at 6pm to join me in our pest control "stakeout". We didn't see anything at all and the mosquitoes were bad!
Stormy Wednesday Night! |
We had a crazy storm filled night after dinner time; with tornado warnings all thru the Delta. Luckily, Greenwood had dodged another bullet this evening. Later we heard that over six tornadoes were sighted in various parts of the area with some damages and injuries resulting from the storms.
Mister Beaver |
On Thursday afternoon, Dad and I were at the farm checking for varmints damaging our fruit trees and eating up the fishes in our ponds. We both saw a medium sized beaver and proceeded to "prosecute" it. We ended up giving it away to a family friend.
The Country |
Friday - had some errands to run today including fueling up the Explorer, shopping for supplies, doing laundry and working out on the elliptical machine. Went out to the farm later in the afternoon with Dad and spent an hour or so hiking and scouting around. Saw a three deers near the first gate when we first drove in. Think it's the same three does and fawns that we've been seeing for the last month or so. Soon deer season will be starting so I'm betting they will be ending up on someone's dinner plate by the end of the year. Dad and I waited until dark for our pesky "visitors" but we didn't see any by the end of the day.
Dad waiting on Mister Nutria |
Little 'possum was in da trap today. |
Saturday - spent over an hour on the elliptical to burn off the yummy pot roast that my bro' made for lunch. Went out the farm toward the end of the day for a couple hours. While we were waiting quietly by the pond for Mister Nutria, I saw a deer run thru the woods of the south levee (the northern bank of Big Sand Creek) like it was "on fire" ... it ran into and out of the far end of the ponds. A moment later, two more smaller deers were also running thru the woods followed by a large tan colored dog or coyote! I had my Ruger 10/22 in my hand was too surprised to grabbed for my camera to capture this deadly chase in country! After all the animals disappeared into the deep woods, Dad and I heard a 'bleep bleep" sort of like the sound that a lamb or young goat would make. I thought it might have been the cry of the smaller deer (fawn) from the pursuing canine. Anyway, after that we didn't hear anymore from the woods except sounds of ducks/geese landing into the surround creeks and ponds. I had to give myself a triple dose of mosquito spray because it was so bad this evening!
Saturday night was kinda of rough for me. Don't know if it was the late coffee I had before going out to the country this afternoon, or seeing the wolf/coyote thingee chasing those deers or the excitement of seeing lots of old friends (and some newer ones) at the school dedication in Cleveland on Sunday but I had barely slept. Sunday was gonna be a long day!
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