Downtown G'wood |
Got up a little earlier this morning. Went by the family business, picked up the Sunday newspaper and took a few photos around town.
The Local Walmart |
Spent an hour or so browsing the store aisles picking up snacks / groceries, hunting clothes, fishing lures, and a carton of ...
"Moon Pies" (actually, these are 110 calorie mini ones)! |
File photo: website modeling hunting clothes |
On my way out, I caught sight of two blond ladies in the Walmart parking lot all dressed in hunting camos and had to do double take. Then I remembered, yeah right this is da South and women do hunt here (and of course it's opening weekend for Dove Season).
Pastor Kevin preaching to me over Skype. |
During lunchtime, my technically gifted friend back in LA setup a Skype
video feed for me to watch service back at my church in Orange County!
How cool is that!
Dove Hunting part II |
Went out to the farm with Dad. He went fishing and I went hunting, neither one of us did well today. I saw about nine plus doves but most were too far or too close to the power lines (didn't want to shoot down the lines). Fired one round at a non dove by mistake, and missed a 2nd one that flew too close to another power line, I had to wait until it cleared the line before firing and then forgot I had a 2nd trigger on the double barrel shotgun, doh!
Good thing I picked up a rotisserie chicken this morning at Walmart, otherwise no fish or birds for supper (except for the chicken of course).
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